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Draft of the Egyptian Standard ES 6000-1" Household refrigerating appliances –Characteristics and test methods - Part 1: General requirements”


Products covered: ICS:  97.030 (Domestic electrical appliances in general)

This addendum concerns the notification of the draft of the Egyptian Standard ES 6000-1 “Household refrigerating appliances –Characteristics and test methods - Part 1: General requirements "(101 pages in English).

It should be noted that the Ministerial Decree No. 141/2018 (3 pages, in Arabic) which was formerly notified in G/TBT/N/EGY/157 dated 15 August 2016 , G/TBT/N/EGY/157/Add.1 dated 22 June  2017 , and the Ministerial Decree No. 477/2018 (3 pages, in Arabic) which was formerly notified in  G/TBT/N/EGY/157/Add.3 dated 4 September 2018 , mandated among others the earlier versions of this Standard.

Worth mentioning is that this draft standard is technical identical with IEC 62552-:2015/AMD1:2020 

Producers and importers are kept informed of any amendments in the Egyptian standards through the publication of administrative orders in the official gazette.

Date of adoption: To be determined.

Date of entry into force: To be determined.

Agency or authority designated to handle comments and text available from:

Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality
16 Tadreeb El-Modarrebeen St., Ameriya, Cairo – Egypt
E-mail: eos@eos.org.eg/ eos.tbt@eos.org.eg
Website: http://www.eos.org.eg
Tel.: + (202) 22845528 
Fax: + (202) 22845504 


原文文档   翻译文档

33.160 - Audio, video and audiovisual engineering;33.160 - Audio, video and audiovisual engineering;97.030 - Domestic electrical appliances in general;97.030 - Domestic electrical appliances in general;97.040 - Kitchen equipment;97.040 - Kitchen equipment;97.060 - Laundry appliances;97.060 - Laundry appliances;97.100 - Domestic, commercial and industrial heating appliances;97.100 - Domestic, commercial and industrial heating appliances;97.170 - Body care equipment;97.170 - Body care equipment

Protection of human health or safety (TBT)
Household and similar electrical appliances